I decided to make brownies this morning after I took a buncha spoonfuls of the oil, I felt it for about fifteen minutes and then that shit faded. I found a funny lil pizza tray @ the 9dee9 w/ funny little tomatoe people n stuff on it, The 99cents store is super coooool, theres so much fun stufff like this awesome retro honey bottle I got a few days ago, Im glad it's pretty much across the pinche streeet. Back to the brownies, they are the fat asss kind, non vegan, non organic, alll sugar, flour poisonnnnn-I have been snaaakin on em all day it feels like plus I had this generic red sauce pasta w/ ground turkey meat that my dad made + a buncha candy from this lil girls bday party they went tooooo n brought sum back (ohhhhh no!) I went over to S's today, we watched a new version or a new movie w/ the same name as the 60's movie "kinky boots" its about a black drag queen that gets found by a regular old shoe maker and they end up becoming boot designers of gogo and stilleto boots in mens sizes for D-queens and the like, yeah.
My Dad and I's cousin of 60 or so recently just passed away of severe Diabetes, She moved out here w/ her husband from Las vegas where they lived for 20 years, back home to East LA to take care of her mom, who is 85 + during her Older-older days. Unfortunately do to her disease she has passed away before her mother. I met Tia Chole (mother/Our Aunt) and Irene (Cousin) on easter @ My other really awesome cousins house. C. is the baby sister of My grandma and the last of the 3 (I think) sisters that is still here. I was telling Irene how LA was different and that theres so many cars and people and its takes getting adapted to or realizing that it actually really sucks, she said they had already been here for a year so they had already adjusted N stuff yeah. She was very nice, Sometimes I feel like I believe that when people have lived or have beeen away it is meant to be that they return to their home towns to pass there, where they were born. Her husband said sumthing really funny, suggesting that I had a "Girlfriend" or sumthing like that (hilarious) I will be attending the burial and after services tuesday.
"Why is my hair the way it is
I want it to shimmer and shine
be long and silky like Halle Berry’s
Why is my hair the way it is
I want it to be like Eve’s
Golden Brown with highlights framed to my face with glitter throughout
Why is my hair the way it is"
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