1.Smegma- In Males, helps keep the glans moist and facilitates sexual intercourse by acting as a lubricant.
2.Vernix caseosa- also known as vernix, is the waxy or cheese-like white substance found coating the skin of human babies.
reluctant to part with or share cash, food, drink, or any other items.
tight or cheap.
A-Buy me a pint please.
B-No, piss off.
A-Ooh ye stingy cunt.
4.Chicken Hawk- American and British gay culture to denote older males who prefer younger males for partners, who may less often be called "chickens"
5.Puta- means whore or bitch in portuguese, spanish, and Filipino.
pinche puta!
6.Gay crashing- (phrase): for a heterosexual to enter an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans) event such as a Pride parade or festival.
7.Gay discount- The unofficial discount given to you when the queer salesperson recognizes that you are also a queer; one of the many perks of not being a heterosexual.
8.TITTS- t.i.t.t.s. - short for Taking It To The Shore. when you and your friends are going to the beach. what are we doing today? titts!
9.Horny- An animal that possesses a horn.
10.Creampie- the fantastic act of leaving a load of male jelly inside a vagina or crap pipe. it's very nature is the mother of all creation. That's right, if your daddy didn't manage a Creampie all those years ago, you'd still be itch in his pants. The male will generally bullshit about wanting to pull out before ejaculation. But as we all know, this is in fact just a load of crap.
"That's right little Johnny, even you came from a Creampie!"
11.Jerk Nap- Masturbation followed by a power Nap also known as a "Hollywood Nap"
12.Jerk Space- The space between two parked cars which is just small enough to not fit your car. This space is left by someone with the wherewithal to neither pull up nor back up a little bit in order for your car to fit
Taken from Wikipedia.org and Urbandictionary.com