Finally the Vaporizer has been being put to use. It's such a different feeling, it feels alright. Friday was the Hipster-land Farmers Market, we went because its right outside of G's window, even the tamales have no LARD! I got some strawberries, artichoke hummus and pita chips. we stayed in and had some mimosas at night time. On Saturday PHONES' played a daytime in store show @ POObah records in pasadena! Our Friends 'PEGLEGLOVE' were playing a record release show w/ The Crystelles (ex-christian death) but they couldn't make it so I/we pretty much convinced em' to let us hop on. I got these silly glasses from the school and I wrote "Stoner" on one frame and "Princess" on the other, Thats the name that Boots (shagrats frontman) gave me (haha). The Show was Fun even though pretty empty, The Pegleg Boys are a good band, and it was our second show with them AWESOME! Later that evening we crashed a party across the street, went to little boy bar for a hott second, ate a Street dog w/ the bacon and all the fixings went back to the pad and vaporized some more. Sunday was the silverlake flea market and we went to check it out! the best booth was these people from an awesome store in hollywood called 'beauty is pain' mainly their Vinyl selection was pretty awesome! they had T.S.O.L., Salem 66, The Cramps, various good 80's punk stuff, I got a super cool vintage Dennis the Menace record from like 62' or sumthing like that (WOA!) + Their awesome friend/CraftsWoman "The Pink Avenger" had some amazing hand-made pieces but i guess wasn't doing to well that day. Some of her stuff included Eye earrings w/ those little eyes that move that are used for childrens crafts for only 50cents! Dinosaur Toy chains with Dinosaur heads at the end, awesome hair clips/full neck necklaces using sequins, silver, beads and a buncha other junk. After we went to a daytime warehouse show party in DWNTWN to check out The Lovely Bad Things ( a new garage 4 piece from Orange county 3 boys 1 girl, they're all only like 18 and they rock!) There was a Gay Pool-Water-Slide-Outdoor-Bar party around the corner too that I did know about that we passed by. I wish I was a little bit more in shape or sexy or sumthing, or maybe those aren't the types of gays im interested in, however i do think it's awesome that they are making nights/events at these random wetback bars and stuff in Dwtwn LA, there's this other one coming up called "juke joint circle jerk" im thinking this is the closest thing to "Club Feral" that L.A.s gunna get (haha) it's at this 'random wetback bar around the corner from the smell on main that nobody ever goes in, so i guess these crazy gays are finally putting use to these empty LA mainly mexican bar spaces- yay! what they're doing is actually really awesome! even what people have done w/ La cita is coool if you really think about it and know what these places were like just 3-4 years ago...yeahyeaheyehyeahyeahyeah i dunno. Need more Avocado? YES!