Sleeping bag arise...dust the fur off my wool, try to get rid of last nights waste...Wake and Bake...mop and rake...
Tacos by The Pinche BEach Bitch!

Tacos by The Pinche BEach Bitch!
Hella dropsss of piss water if He is mad @ us?

"It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen!I'm gonna go out to run and let myself getAbsolutely soaking wet!It's Raining Men! Hallelujah!It's Raining Men! Every Specimen!Tall, blonde, dark and leanRough and tough and strong and mean..

Gotta Clean For That One Eyed Snake!!

I feel stormy weather / Moving in about to beginHear the thunder / Don't you lose your headRip off the roof and stay in bed"
I think its pretty fucked up that in this generation people purchase their childrens halloween costumes at some retarted Store with hella cheap assss costumesss...Before People use to actually have to take the time to make something or go out and find each peice individually in stead of going out getting everything in one trip like it's fucking fast food or sumthing...what the hell? I think those stores are kinda cool for individual items but Not really. The Material that most of the costumes are made out of is so shitty and people should really take the time out and pretend we're in the old days...when shit actually mattered..Coming soon...
((How Halloween is an excuse for girls to look slutty))
Still Accepting BoyFriend Applications!
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