
"Thinking and dreaming thinking and dreaming"

I still Do Heart Beth Ditto "In Spite of it All"

Seeeeing Goxxxip on sunday was better then expected.It was a last minute thing and it was definitley worth it. Somebody actually gave me a free ticket, he had a printed out one..I guess it was meant to be because I didn't have money and my friends were gonna pay for me. Their set was a lot better than i expected too, I remembering thinking like oh shit it's still Beth N' it's still goooood! Mostly alll the new disco stuuuffff they played sum classics as well. We draaank blue mooons and junk in the car or should i say JEEP cherokee (laredo) and than walked down to the ballroom to catch MEN's last song, featuring the Mr. from Le tigre it was cool for what it was but it wasn't all that...
So im think im just gonna be a caveman for Halloween and/or wear my mummy costume that i made last year for Club Feral's Dia De Los Muertos Party..(which rocked))) I always wanna do drag but I end up chikening out these day well I feel like I look like shit un-shaven and I'd rather look like a male slut then a Female one...I guess or sumthing..maybe. Idunnnoooooooo.......
A person can definitley never have too many clothes or too many recordsss and thats actually kinda annoying because I WANT MORE MUSIC dammit! I thought about doing a cover of Kitten Forever's "Great Big Lies" but like the boyyy version My version..I wonder how theyyy would feel about itt..I think it would be gooooooooood...TTYL
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