Weave! Yo Head!

It's pretty much 10 days before my b-day and 20 until Halloweeny...Last night I DID make it to PTP mini Fest for THe Raincoats show...They had Their cool little posters on the wall including one that said "Tonight NO Hip Hop, Madonna or Michael Jackson"It was cool for what it was but it wasn't all that...IT was kinda like a lame version of the real thing which is going on sunday in L.A. and its for sure gonna be way cooooler. Weave! Was supposed to play last night but didn't after all..That sucked..We ended up hanging out in a V.I.P. booth and brought in beer and a baby bottle _full time Punx to the maxxx! It's weird to me that these PTP people think that Morrissey or The Smiths are punk or part time or half or whatever the fuck...because yeah it is 80's sure whatever but it hella SUX...This morning we went to B's house and he played these new shows on KOFY T.V. that he's been on and a part of..They like play old retro B-movies and his "Surf" band played the opening episode or sumthing(awesome). The wetback totally took that green vintage bike that i had my eye on forever...I told N. that i wanted to grab because no one actually owned it and than theyyyy just take it..WTF>? i dunno TTYL//
G. just walked right outta trader joes with her two bottles of o.j. because she didn't wanna wait in the line...trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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