just don't shut me up!

Clinging Ringer Wild Weirdo

Won't you tell me how to get how to get to Dickinme st.
Eating Lightly until Thanks-Thanks!
I saw This @ an Antique shop in sebastopol but it was kinda caca and didn't work...I still hellllla wanted it but theeeeee owner wasn't even there, it was this weird dude who told us to callll the

woman to ask what the price of it wasss...He was just there "Tweaking".
J. was like They're hella Tweak city down here and She was definitley right...I knew I should have walked out with it! TITTIES...
After All The Gummie worms, Chips-dips, Frozen Pizzas, Sandwiches, Crackers-cheese, cheesy popcorn, and alllllllllllllllllll the rest of the junk Im finally 150 lbs!...I don't really mind it, its just that it's all in my belllllllllllllllllllllllllllly and I guess the beeeer doesnt help...I wanna be like hella worked out and be able to take off my shirt and show offff like the rest of you slutsss...
H-weeen was pretty fun because I didn't see a single SLut-costume-girl, that was amazing, that a lone made my night like totally...
Right now im @ Lady K.'s and They're out gettting beer but they are with K's mom sooo Who know what the hell will go on or what kinda trouble the get into just going to the 7-11 right around the corner.
The Mini road-trip east to the country was pretty funnn....M. had lots of good leftover candy and I like her den and the lil' boy is hilarious!
We ate @ chili's, I'd never beeeen there before, Remember the Chili's babyback rib commercials from the 90's? the chiken sand was pretty average and gooood and of course always my favorite.
Im in love with chicken like "Daisy" from Girl interupted only I don't hide them under my bed..
There is no under my bed so even if i wanted to I couldn't.. Honestly I love rotisserie more than a lot of things but defintley not more than men...After that we drove up to Willow's to visit S.'s old friend K. and her hunky husband in the country and theeey had noooo neighbors or anything..i had a lot of fun and wasss the total cabin life or sumthing..I was actually helllla scared that night and the spirits were fucking with meeee shit!!!
Thanks S.! TTYL
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