Amy Gore Requested my friendship on myspace, She has a new band w/ Nikki Corvette called Gorvette! That seems pretty awesome right? I shaved my head completely yesterday...I wanted to feel masculine like an army guy or sumthing...i think it turns me on but im such a bobble head-God! im glad i didn't set up for a Goa-tee that would have been weird. A huge mountain/ wet sticky ball of resin shot right into my mouth about an hour ago and I can still taste it (eew) from this lil one hitter that T. gave me a while back when we were smoking in the back of her B'F's truck in the camper Shell with Lady K outside her sissy's softball game..."This is what we do in the suburbs" Im wondering what these next couple of months are gpnna look like because im gonna be 24 next month Holy Shit and I don't like that age..I wanna be 23 Foreverrr! This Weekend is also the Folsom St Fair ( SF's Leather and fetish Fair mainly for men) I would go if I lived There Or had Cash But Im Stuck HEre and The suburban lifestyle kicks in for me once again, Im still caged in..but in a way i have the key! "DREAM LOVER COME RESCUE ME"-Mariah Carey- yeah thats it. "I think its time to cook a meal to feel the emptyness I feel"-SoftCell
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