I packed away all my vinyl and gadgets and left the bay area. I have been in a Transitioning period and Now that Im settled in Los Angeles IM BACKKKK! Its already summer here and Its pretty warrrm! I went w/ Aunt S. to pick up her dry cleaning at 7th and Fig and There was a Golds gym across the way w/ Lots of attractive model like MENNNNN! and I couldn't help but Stare...There is lots to look at here, it is super spread out!!
I met up w/ one of my bestest most amazing friends from middle school on friday @ punkyreggae and im glaaaaad that shesss still the same, and Im still the same and that rocks!
In East LA I have already seen 2 pitbulls loose crusing the street...Like yesterday when I got off the bus (hungover as hell) and Here comes a pitbull flying right by me and I was liiiike what the Funk where is the owner, does it have one? do they care? I wanna get involved w/ some sort of rescue team but not like the one for parolleees but one for young people like me who have concern for doggies. I miss Smokey more than anything or aneone and I'd like to work something out here so that he can come and visit me and we can go for long long walks! I went to a really cool queer night on monday and they played a buncha awesome old techno! and I met some Fellas. it looks like I'll now be @ La Cita on Fridays and Mondays! yay! gotta get on the rollllll GOODBYE